The PHM2024 Proceedings is now published!

PHM Fundamentals Course | From Monitoring and Sensing to Fault Diagnosis, Failure Prognosis, and Case Studies

Course Dates: November 9 and 10, 2024
Course Leaders: Dr. Karl Reichard and Jeff Bird
Course Presenters: Specialists using proven PHM Society curriculum, case studies, and mini-workshops.
Course Administrator: Jeff Bird
Select the course option when you register.


This introductory course offered regularly at PHM conferences will be taught by recognized international experts in the PHM field and will cover the current state of the art in PHM technologies, sensors and sensing strategies, data mining tools, CBM+ technologies, novel diagnostic and prognostic algorithms as well as a diverse array of application examples/case studies. It is addressed to engineers, scientists, operations managers, educators, small business principals, and system designers interested to learn how these emerging technologies can impact their work environment. Through a lecture (with Q&A), networking and workshop format with several specialist experts, you will:

  1. Establish a baseline for defining the extent and capabilities of PHM, specifically needs and organization
  2. Identify specific details of PHM Applications (metrics, sensors, cost benefits, reliability) and PHM Methods (diagnostics, prognostics, data driven methods and uncertainty)
  3. Examine case studies of PHM applications across diverse domains to identify solutions and impacts
  4. Plan a PHM application in two mini workshop settings with expert group leaders
  5. Identify issues and needs and a way forward including Continuing Professional Development

Topics include (case study or workshop sessions):

  • Introduction to PHM (Taxonomy, scope, basics, standards- for all talks)
  • Deriving Requirements for PHM
  • PHM Performance Metrics
  • Diagnostics Methods
  • Case Study for requirements/metrics (Description of an application)
  • Prognostics Methods
  • Data Analytics Methods
  • Prognostics Case Studies (2 case studies for prognosis and data analytics information)
  • Sensors and Data Processing (Available/Required data and organization)
  • Data- Case Study Workshop (Small group data design activity with worksheets)
  • CBM+ and IVHM Technologies
  • PHM Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Plenary – Issues and Needs (Review to compile collected issues from all participants)
  • Analysis – Case Study Workshop (Small group activity builds on data design workshop)
  • Fielded Systems Case Studies – 1 (case studies for Condition Based Maintenance)
  • Fielded Systems Case Studies – 2 (case study for Commercial Aircraft Application)
  • Way forward (Paths, Resources, Continuing Professional Development)

Lectures and Workshop leaders:

  • Dr. Karl Reichard, Penn State
  • Dr. Abhinav Saxena, GE
  • Dr. José Celaya, SLB
  • Jeff Bird, TECnos

Course Outline

Day 1  Topic/Format Instructor
8:00 to 8:20 Welcome and Introductions (All participants) All
8:20 to 9:00 Introduction to PHM (Taxonomy, scope, basics, standards) Jeff
9:00 to 9:45 Deriving Requirements for PHM (Basics and Illustrative examples) Abhinav
9:45 to 10:30 Diagnostics Methods (Basics and Illustrative examples) Jose
10:30 to 10:45 Break with refreshments and snacks provided  
10:45 to 11:30 Prognostics (Basics and Illustrative examples including uncertainty) Abhinav
11:30 to 11:45 Open Questions and Introduction to Mini-Workshop Jeff
11:45 to 12:30 Lunch provided  
12:30 to 13:00 Case Study for requirements/metrics (Electric Aircraft) Abhinav
13:00 to 13:45 Data Analytics Methods (Basics and Illustrative examples) Jose
13:45 top 14:30 Case Studies: Data Analytics (Bearing Prognostics) and Prognostics (Battery Life) Jose, Abhinav
14:30 to 15:15 Sensors and Sensor Processing (Available/Required Data, organization) Karl
15:15 to 15:30 Break with refreshments and snacks provided  
15:30 to 16:15 Workshop 1: Problem Definition, stakeholders, metrics (Small group design activity with worksheets – builds to Workshop 2) Jeff and all
16:15 to 16:45 Workshop 1 Reporting: Groups report key issues All
16:45 to 16:55 Open Questions All
19:30 onwards Non-hosted dinner with all participants  
Day 2  Topic/Format  
8:30 to 9:15 CBM+ and IVHM Technologies (Basics and Illustrative examples) Karl
9:15 to 10:00 PHM Cost Benefit Analysis (Basics and examples) Jeff
10:00 to 10:30 Plenary – Issues and Needs (Review to compile collected issues) All
10:30 to 10:45 Break with refreshments and snacks provided  
10:45 to 11:30 PHM Performance Metrics (Basics and illustrative examples) Abhinav
11:30 to 11:45 Workshop 2: Introduction (Group activity builds on Workshop 1) Jeff
11:45 to 12:45 Lunch provided  
12:45 to 13:15 Fielded Systems Case Studies 1: Army Combat Vehicle Karl
13:15 to 13:45 Fielded Systems Case Studies 2: Commercial Aircraft Jeff
13:45 to 14:45 Workshop 2: Models/Analysis and Operation (Small group activity building on Workshop 1) All
14:45 to 15:15 Workshop 2 Reporting: Group reports key issues All
15:15 to 15:40 Break with refreshments and snacks provided  
15:40 to 16:10 Way Forward (Paths, Resources, Continuing Professional Development) Jeff and Karl
4:10 to 4:20 Wrap-up with Evaluation Forms All